Thursday, 13 September 2007


Yesterday was characterised by extreme pain caused by the prostate. It reached an unbearable level and I can't take pain killers because of the happy pills. I had a struggle getting to sleep.

There was also a major row with the wife and stepson. She (who has this written down explicitly) denied he had two phone contracts - despite the fact he has two numbers two direct debit etc. She refused to understand what I was saying on purpose. She has overridden me and said he can go back to college, which means he won't be able to pay back his debts. Then she washed her hands of the problem and dumped it back on me.

I had a slightly better day at work though, although I still had some panic and depression it was a bit better, plus I achieved some stuff which puts me back on schedule which helped.

In the evening (after the row) I did some more work on 'Out of Body' and have made a test pressing of the whole album, I am lgoing to listen on the way to work today.

More later

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